In order to go to Mount Ellanio, you have to take the road to Perdika. You pass the old prison in Aegina, the high school and then the village called Leuki. If you continue, you arrive at the deserted village of the Tzikidon.

A path starts from the village and it goes to the top of the hill, to the church of Saint Andreas and to the Monastery of Xrisoleontissas. After the village, the road continues on the left, towards Pahia Rahi which has an amazing view to the sea.

At the far end you can see the town of Aegina and on the right you can see Agistri which is green all over. In front is picturesque Perdika, the island of Moni and behind them the peninsula of Methanon. From Pahia Rahi, a dirt road on the right, lead to a place called Sfirixtres, where the archeological area of Ellaniou Zeus is.

The road continues, from Pahia Rahi, it passes the village of Anitsiaou and it ends up at Portes.